Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Just a Thought...

 A thought crossed my mind some time ago, it was during what they call revision week at my college. A week before final semester exams. Our school calendar had been distorted in such a way that we as students couldn't have a way of avoiding "pressure." Going for Christmas Holidays on the 21st December and on the 2nd of January your back on campus is some serious issue. 

What else could students do except abide by some college rules. Okay, I'm not against the odds here. This opening early thing, completing the assignments and having to ace the exams immediately needed some change of mind, good time management if there's anything like that and some extra momentum. Now, while trying to survive in this kind of a situation, I fell across a video and will probably share something noteworthy from it. Look at the acronym below:
"A-N-T-S," seems to be "ANTS."

A - Automatic 
N - Negative
T - Thinking 
S - Syndrome

I think some how I was infected with the "ANTS." Negative thinking. I know you always hear a lot being said about negative thinking. But if you have a situation like mine, I bet you start killing the "ANTS" before they kill you. The best way is to do what has to be done and never wait for the time to "feel" like doing what has to be done. Get rid of the ANTS.

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